Developers would love Snyk because of ease of use and ease of integration and in this article let’s discuss about integrating Snyk with Bit-bucket pipeline, it’s simple easy and straight forward
Step 1: There are some perquisites that you have configure in bit-bucket
Configure bit-bucket app password with the following permissions
Reference Documentation:
Step2: Get Access to your api from snyk dashboard
Step3: Enable the pipeline in Bitbucket
Snyk has default integration with bitbucket pipelines
Step 4: Create and run the pipeline
# This sample is for medium page by nataraj to demo snyk devsecops solution# SNYK_TOKEN is a repository variableimage: atlassian/default-image:3pipelines:
- parallel:
- step:
name: 'Build and Test'
- echo "Your build and test goes here..."
- step:
name: 'Lint'
- echo "Your linting goes here..."
- step:
name: "SynkSecurityScanIntegration"
- echo "npm install and npm test"
- npm install
- npm test
- echo "Synk Integration with bitbucket pipeline by Nataraj..."
- pipe: snyk/snyk-scan:0.5.2
LANGUAGE: "npm" # Required unless SNYK_TEST_JSON_INPUT is set
# IMAGE_NAME: "<string>" # Only required if LANGUAGE set to "docker"
# CODE_INSIGHTS_RESULTS: "<boolean>" # Optional.
# SNYK_TEST_JSON_INPUT: "<string>" # Optional. The filename or path of a JSON file containg the output from running a test with the Snyk CLI (with json output option).
# PROTECT: "<boolean>" # Optional.
# DONT_BREAK_BUILD: "<boolean>" # Optional.
# MONITOR: "<boolean>" # Optional.
# SEVERITY_THRESHOLD: "<low|medium|high|critical>" # Optional.
# ORGANIZATION: "<string>" # Optional.
# PROJECT_FOLDER: "<string>" # Optional.
# TARGET_FILE: "<string>" # Optional.
# EXTRA_ARGS: "<string>" # Optional.
# DEBUG: "<boolean>" # Optional.Note: The pipeline has variables like SNYK_TOKEN and others which has to be defined in the pipeline variables
Got this pipeline from Mike Doherty account rep from Snyk(he is instantaneous with his communication and responses)
- step:
name: Run Snyk
- node
- npm install
- curl -o snyk
- chmod +x ./snyk
- ./snyk test > snyk-output.txt
After the pipeline is run you can access the Snyk Dashboard for the list of issues.